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ni hao laoshi
Comment by Muhammad Irfan posted on August 25, 2017   40 Comments
Yes, mostly there are no problems with the videos. Thank you for effort .
Comment by sergey53 posted on October 1, 2013   40 Comments
Ok. I checked it using Google Chrome, it worked. You can try to clear the cookies if you have this problem next time. Hope you enjoy the lessons!
Comment by Lisa_eChineseOnline Support posted on August 1, 2014   39 Comments
We have fixed this problem. Please check it out.
Comment by Helen Zhang (Chinese Teacher) posted on September 28, 2017   25 Comments
Comment by david1688zheng posted on October 20, 2013   24 Comments
No problem. Glad to hear that it works well. Hope you enjoy our video lessons. “路上小心 (lùshang xiǎoxīn)” or “当心 (dāng xīn)” are the Chinese characters for "take care." We have a video lesson to explain how to use this phrase. You can find it by clicking this link:
Comment by Helen Zhang (Chinese Teacher) posted on February 13, 2012   16 Comments
I have an unstable internet connection. The course stuck while trying to load in the middle. Maybe you can report it to be fixed? Thank you.
Comment by teddy posted on January 9, 2018   15 Comments
Hello bashodasahn, I checked out the video and it seems to work well. Is it streaming slowly? Could you tell me where you were located when you watched the video? Does it work now? Let me know if you still have questions or need any help.
Comment by Helen Zhang (Chinese Teacher) posted on March 9, 2012   14 Comments
Hello Peter, Thank you for your questions. I checked out the videos and they seem to work well. Could you tell me where you were located when you watched the videos? Do they work now? You can contact us via Skype on support_eChineseOnline. We will try our best to help you on this problem.
Comment by Lisa_eChineseOnline Support posted on May 13, 2014   14 Comments
Hi Americanmark, I have checked your account and you haven’t started the 7-day free trial successfully. So there is no need to cancel it. You mentioned that you couldn’t access the site information. May I know more details about this issue? Thank you.
Comment by Lisa_eChineseOnline Support posted on December 9, 2015   12 Comments
osmanisoon, Thanks again for the note. Is it working now? It does seem to work from what we see. Let me know. Thanks!
Comment by fredrao posted on March 11, 2012   12 Comments
I’m happy to know that they work now. Hope you enjoy. Any questions, please feel free to let me know.
Comment by Lisa_eChineseOnline Support posted on September 15, 2014   11 Comments
You should keep learning, you will make progress. By the way: you said that you just studying Chinese 3 months, I recommend you watch our other videos, maybe you will make progress quickly. Like "Day Day up" "Crazy Grammar" "Big Bang Vocab" I think these are suitable for you.
Comment by Ellie_Chinese teacher posted on April 26, 2012   10 Comments
There isn't like this kind of course now, because it belongs to the field of medical research. And there are some complex Chinese language or some Chinese culture. If you are interested in this, you can look at this link, But it is a Chin...
Comment by Ellie_Chinese teacher posted on April 26, 2012   10 Comments

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"I was learning Chinese by myself but I was often confused. I thought I needed some sort of help from experienced teachers. The best thing about your approach is that the teacher explains every word and sentence clearly!"
— Théophile Lagacé
Bergerac, Fance
Feb. 13, 2018

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