
eChineseOnline’s tutoring service is jointly developed with eChineseLearning, a world-renowned and popular online Chinese school, specializing in one-on-one online instruction in Mandarin. The tutoring service is customized to meet the specific needs of eChineseOnline students. Take a free trial lesson (up to 50 minutes) now!
How It Works:
  • One-to-One
  • Live online instruction (Yes! Real time, real people)
  • Free instant messaging software (such as Skype) with live video
  • Native, professionally trained and experienced Chinese teachers
  • Customized instruction at your own level, pace and style
Sign up for a Free Trial
Every new student gets a free trial Chinese lesson before signing up for the service. It is completely free and there is no obligation. The sole purpose of the free Chinese lesson (up to 50 minutes) is to show Chinese learners how the system works and how easy it is to learn Chinese with a professional Chinese teacher online.
Please be sure that you fill in the correct contact information. Our Academic Coordinator will call you within one working day. He or she will help you set up everything and get you ready for your free trial Chinese lesson (Live)!
Sign up for a free trial now!
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