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Fun Stuff (Intermediate)

What Does “Where? Where?” Mean in Chinese?

After having been in China for half a year, Mr. Green was invited to attend the Chinese wedding of some Chinese friends. During the wedding, he had an interesting conversation with the groom.

                  Xīnniáng zhēnde hǎo piàoliang a!
Mr. Green:    新娘      真的     好     漂亮     啊!    
                  Your bride is so beautiful!

                  Nǎli nǎli.
     Groom: 哪里哪里。    
                  Thanks. You're too kind.

                  Xīnniáng de méimao, yǎnjing, bízi, zuǐ, dōu hěn piàoliang a!
Mr. Green:    新娘    的    眉毛、   眼睛、鼻子、嘴,都   很    漂亮      啊!
                  Well, the bride’s brows, eyes, nose, and lips are all beautiful!

You've probably figured out that Mr. Green has misunderstood the phrase “哪里哪里 (Nǎli nǎli),” which literally means “Where? Where?.” Actually, “哪里哪里 (Nǎli nǎli)” is a humble remark used to show modesty when Chinese people receive a compliment. Figuratively speaking, it means “I don't deserve your compliments.” or “You're too kind.”


          Nǐ nà shí zhēnshì tài yǒnggǎn le.
刘梅:  你  那  时    真是    太   勇敢    了。    
          You were so brave then.

          Nǎli nǎli, zhè suàn bù liǎo shénme.
李明:  哪里哪里,这 算    不  了    什么。    
          Aw shucks, it was nothing.