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General Chinese (Intermediate)

Master the Chinese Language: Acclaimed as the Chinese "Susan Boyle," Peasant Sweet Mum Adapts the Opera Nessun Dorma in Chinese!

Master Chinese by reading this story and watching the video.

Key Learning Points (Preview):

吃惊(chījīng) v. surprise    
称赞 (chēngzàn) v. acclaim    

"菜花甜妈 (Càihuā tiánmā) Sweet Mum" became an overnight sensation on the Internet in China! "送你葱 (Sòng nĭ cōng) I'll give you some green onions" is an amazing song adapted from the world famous opera Nessun Dorma. Sweet Mum rewrote the lyrics using the names of lots of vegetables and foods, such as “鸡腿儿 (jītuĭr) drumstick,” “胡萝卜 (húluóbo) carrot,” and “番茄 (fānqié) tomato.” This song is hilarious and really caught the audience by "吃惊 (chījīng) surprise." It was instantly loved! If you are in China you will hear this song on the radio, in bars, on the street, and everywhere.

Born a peasant woman without any professional training, she loved to sing all the time. Sweet Mum sold vegetables at the market for years before going on the TV show China's Got Talent and becoming one of the newest popular stars in China! She can sing English songs from many popular singers such as Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, even though she hadn’t even learned all 26 letters of the English alphabet! Chinese netizens warmly "称赞 (chēngzàn) acclaimed" her as the Chinese "Susan Boyle."

Key Learning Points:

吃惊 (chījīng) v. surprise    

Tīngdào tāmen líhūn de xiāoxi, rénmen găndào hĕn chījīng.
   听到      他们  离婚  的  消息,人们       感到     很   吃惊。  
People were surprised at their divorce.

称赞 (chēngzàn) v. acclaim    

Wú Júpíng yòng shŏubì jiùle zhuìluò de xiăohái, tā bèi chēngzàn wéi "yīngxióng mŭqīn."
 吴  菊萍       用     手臂  救了  坠落    的   小孩,她  被      称赞     为     “英雄       母亲。”
Wu Juping was acclaimed as a "Mother Hero" for saving a falling child with her arms.

葱 (cōng) n. green onions    
鸡腿儿 (jītuĭr) n. drumstick    
胡萝卜 (húluóbo) n. carrot    
番茄 (fānqié) n. tomato