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Beginner Chinese Lesson --- A Pair of Chopsticks

The correct answer for this test is B.

Let’s see the analysis of this beginners’ Chinese lesson.

A: “杯 (bēi)” is a measure word used for some liquid. For examples: 一杯咖啡 (yì bēi kāfēi)a cup of coffee , 一杯茶 (yì bēi chá) a cup of tea.

B: “双 (shuāng)” is a measure word. It is used for things that come in pairs. For examples: 一双鞋 (yì shuāng xié) a pair of shoes, 一双袜子 (yì shuāng wàzi) a pair of socks.

C: “只 (zhī)” here is also a measure word. It is usually used as follows: 一只鸟 (yì zhī niăo) a bird, 两只鸡 (liăng zhī jī) two chickens and so on.

D: “本 (bĕn)” is a measure word used for books. For example: 一本书 (yì bĕn shū).