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Chinese Pinyin (Beginner)

"a," "o," "e," "i," "u," "ü"

Chinese pinyin is one of the first steps in learning Chinese. You can learn how to pronounce the finals "a," "o," "e," "i," "u," "ü" with the following ballad and Chinese video lesson.

Xiăo zuĭ zhāng dà,  a a a.
小     嘴    张    大,a a a。
Open your mouth wide to pronounce "a," a, a, a.

Zuĭba yuán yuán, o, o, o.
嘴 巴    圆     圆, o  o  o。
Round your lips to pronounce "o," o, o, o.

Zuĭba biăn biăn, e e e.
嘴 巴   扁    扁, e e e。
Narrow your lips to pronounce "e," e, e, e.

Yáchĭ duìqí,   i i i.
牙 齿   对齐,i i i。    
Align your teeth to pronounce "i," i, i, i.

Zuĭba tūchū,  u u u.
嘴 巴  突 出,u u u。    
Stick out your lips to pronounce "u," u, u, u.

Zuĭba lŏng yuán,  ü ü ü.
嘴 巴   拢     圆, ü ü ü。    
Round your lips to pronounce "ü," ü, ü, ü.

Watch the video of Chinese pinyin course below to learn more details about how to pronounce the finals "a," "o," "e," "i," "u."