Money Back Guarantee Policy

  • Money back guarantee is for first-time students only (renewal or upgrade does not apply).
  • As a first-time student, if you purchase a subscription package that allows you to take a predetermined certain number of lessons per week and are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel your subscription within 1 month. Note that the one-month period starts from the date of your payment (not the date of your first class). You will only be charged for a non-promotional one-month fee and we will refund the rest of the money, if applicable.
  • As a first-time student, if you purchase a predetermined certain number of lessons to be completed within a certain period of time and are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel your subscription before the 6th lesson (i.e., you can try out for the first five lessons) or within 10 days (note that the 10-day period starts from the date of your first payment, not the date of your first class), whichever comes first. You will be charged a one-time fee for US$119.99.
  • Your purchased lessons are non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered.
  • reserves the right to change the Money Back Guarantee Policy without notice.
  • reserves the right for the final interpretation of this Money Back Guarantee Policy.